
Fort Erie Native Friendship Center, with Sue Fyke and Jessica Falk.

I am currently working on/writing from several projects: 

  • My new SSHRC Partnership Grant, Reimagining Care/Work Policies (2020-2027), explores intersecting care/work policies (early learning and childcare, parental leave, and workplace policies) and how diverse Canadian families experience these key family policies in their everyday lives.
  • Young and Black motherhood in two cities in Canada (with Sadie Goddard-Durant, postdoctoral fellow); this work is funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant project on Family Stories and Family Photographs.
  • Indigenous caregiving in the Niagara Region of Canada (with Eva Jewell, Assistant Professor Ryerson University and Jessica Falk, MA student, Brock University) and the Fort Erie Native Friendship Centre. This work has unfolded in two phases with the first phase of funding from the Government of Ontario and a second phase funded by a SSHRC-CIHR Partnership Grant, Allison Williams, PI, McMaster University.
  • A few projects on: parental leave in Canada, on time and care, and methodological innovation. These are all currently incubating as part of my SSHRC-funded Partnership grant.