

McHugh, N. A. and Doucet, A. (Eds.) (2021) Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly: The Legacies of Lorraine Code. (State University of New York Press [SUNY]).

Doucet, A. (2018) Do Men Mother? (Second edition; revised and updated). University of Toronto Press.

Siltanen J. and Doucet, A. (2017) Gender Relations in Canada: Intersectionalities and Social Change. (Second edition). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Siltanen J. and Doucet, A. (2008) Gender Relations: Intersectionality and Beyond. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Doucet, A. (2006) Do Men Mother? Fathering, Care and Domestic Responsibilities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (Awarded the John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award, from the Canadian Sociology Association).

Special Journal Issues

Doucet, A. (2023). Time Use Studies, Time, Temporality, and Measuring Care: Conceptual, Methodological, and Epistemological IssuesTime & Society, 32(4), 361-460.

Twamley, K, Doucet, A. and Schmidt, E-M (2021). Relationality in family and intimate practices. Families, Relationships and Societies, 1-8.

Dobrotic, I., Doucet, A., Haas, L., & McKay, L. (2020) Assessing and measuring the impacts of parental leave policies: intersectionality, policy entanglements, and conceptual and methodological complexities. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40(5/6).

Doucet, A. (2018). Canadian Visual Methodologies and Visual Sociology.  Canadian Review of Sociology: Special Issue on Canadian Visual Methodologies and Visual Sociology. 55(2). 163-165.

Cook, N., Doucet, A., and Rowsell, J. (2017)  Studies in Social Justice: Special issue on Visual Methodologies and Social Justice11(2), 187-194.

“Roba” by Chiragh Ali

Doucet, A. and Siltanen, J. (Eds) (2017). Canadian Review of Sociology: Themed Section on Committing Sociology: Methodological and Epistemological Reflections. 54(3), 360-381

Cattapan, A., Doucet, A., Lee, R., and McKay, L. (2016) Consuming Intimacies: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice. Studies in Social Justice: Special Issue on Consuming Intimacies: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice, 10(2), 194-362.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg

Bezanson, K., Doucet, A. and Albanese, P. (2015). Canadian Review of Sociology: Themed Section on Critical feminist sociologies of families, work, and care. 52(2), 201-240.

Doucet, A, Edwards, R., and Furtsenberg, F. (2009) (Eds.) Annals of the Social and Political Sciences: Special issue on Fathering across Diversity and Adversity.

Articles and book chapters


Doucet, A., Jewell, E., and Falk, J. (in press, 2024). Remaking the Listening Guide in a Canadian Indigenous-White Settler Research Collaboration: Indigenous and Feminist Ecological Methodological Reflections. Sociological Review.

Doucet, A. (in press, 2024). The who, what, and how of care in caring fatherhood: An ecological care ethics approach. In P. Eerole, H. Pirskanen, P. Romara-Balsas, and K. Twamley (Eds.)., Caring Fathers in the Global Context: Practices, Policies, and Children’s Perspectives. Springer.

Doucet, A. (2024). Book review of Living with an Infected Planet: COVID-19, Feminism, and the Global Frontline of Care. Elke Krasny. Bielefeld, Germany. Hypatia, 39(2), e30. 

Doucet, A., Jewell, E. & Watts, V. (2024). Indigenous and Feminist Ecological Reflections on Feminist Care Ethics: Encounters of Care, Absence, Punctures, and Offerings. In S. Bourgault, M. Fitzgerald, & F. Robinson (Eds.), Decentering Epistemologies and Challenging Privilege: Critical Care Ethics Perspectives. Rutgers University Press. 

de Laat, K., Doucet, A., & Gerhardt, A. (2023). More than employment policies? Parental leaves, flexible work and fathers’ participation in unpaid care workCommunity, Work & Family, 26(5), 562584.

Goddard-Durant, S., Doucet, A., Tizaa H., and Sieunarine, J. A. (2023) “I Don’t Have the Energy”: Racial Stress, Young Black Motherhood, and Canadian Social PoliciesCanadian Review of Sociology. Online First. 

Doucet, A. and Klostermann, J. (2023) What and How are we Measuring when we Research Gendered Divisions of Domestic Labour? Remaking the Household Portrait Method into a Care/Work PortraitSociological Research Online. Online First. 

Doucet, A. (2023). Care is Not a Tally Sheet: Rethinking the Field of Gender Divisions of Domestic Labour with Care-Centric Conceptual Narratives. Families, Relationships and Societies, 12(1), 10-30.

Kurowska, A., Barardehi, I., Fuller, S., Petts, R., Kaufman G., Doucet, A., et al. (2022). Familydemic Cross Country and Gender Dataset on Work and Family Outcomes during COVID-19 Pandemic. Scientific Data10(2).

Doucet, A., and Duvander, A-Z. (2022). Grappling with conceptual and methodological complexities in measuring parental leave designs and impacts. In I. Dobrotić, S. Blum, and A. Koslowski (Eds.), Research handbook on leave policy. Edward Elgar.

Doucet, A. (2022) “Time is Not Time is Not Time”:  Care Responsibilities, Clock Time, and Process Time. Time and Society. Online First.

Doucet. A. (2022). Confront[ing] the Suspicion” and “Embodied Embedded”: New Materialism, Relational Ontologies, and Fathering Bodies. In U. Mellström & B. Pease (Eds.), Beyond Anthropocentric Masculinities: Posthumanism, New Materialism and the Man Question (pp. 85-98). Routledge

Goddard-Durant, S., Doucet, A., Tizaa, A., Sieunarine, J.A. (2022). A decolonizing, intersectional, Black feminist approach to young Black Caribbean-Canadian mothers’ resilience. Journal of Family Studies. Online First.

Jewell, E., Doucet, A, Falk, J, and Hilston, K. (2022). “Looking After Our Own is What We Do”: Urban Ontario Indigenous Perspectives on Juggling Paid Work and Unpaid Care Work for Adult Family Members. Wellbeing, Space & Society, 3.

Goddard-Durant, S., Doucet, A., Sieunarine, J. A., (2022).“If you’re going to work with Black people, you have to think about these things!” Fostering an Ethical Process in Research with Black Communities. In C. Burkholder, F. Aladajebi, and J. Schwab Cartas (Eds.), Leading and Listening to Community: Facilitating Qualitative, Arts-Based & Visual Research for Social Change. New York: Routledge.

Doucet, A. (2021). A Murex, an Angel Wing, the Wider Shore: Ethico-onto-epistemological distinctions between narratives, stories, and testimoniesIn N.A. McHugh and A. Doucet (Eds.), Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly: The Legacies of Lorraine Code. New York: State University of New York Press.

Code, L. with Doucet, A. and McHugh, N A. (2021). I am a part of all that I have met”: A Conversation with Lorraine Code on “Knowledge Processes and the Responsibilities of Knowing”. In N.A. McHugh and A. Doucet (Eds.), Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly: The Legacies of Lorraine Code. New York: State University of New York Press.

Doucet, A. (2021). Families, paid and unpaid work: Connecting households, workplaces, state policies, and communities. In P. Albanese (Ed.), Canadian families today: New perspectives (5th edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Doucet, A. (2021) Socially Inclusive Parenting Leaves and Parental Benefit Entitlements: Rethinking Care and Work Binaries. Social Inclusion, 9(2), 227-237.

Doucet, A. (2021). What does Rachel Carson have to do with Family Sociology and Family Policies? Ecological Relational Ontologies and Crossing Social Imaginaries. Families, Relationships and Societies, 10(1), 11-31.

Doucet, A., and Armstrong, P. (2021). A Conversation with Pat Armstrong about “Creative Teamwork: Developing Rapid Site-Switching Ethnography”. Families, Relationships and Societies, 10(1), 179-188.

Goddard-Durant, S., Sieunarine, J. A. and Doucet, A. (2021).  Decolonising Research with Black Communities:  Developing Equitable and Ethical Relationships between Stakeholders. Families, Relationships and Societies, 10(1), 189-196.

Doucet, A., Dobrotic, I., Haas, L. and McKay, L (2020). Guest Editorial. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40 (5/6), 425-427.

Jewell, E., Doucet, A., Falk, J. and Fyke, S. (2020) Social Knowing, Mental Health, and the Importance of Indigenous Resources: A Case Study of Indigenous Employment Engagement in Southwestern Ontario. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 80, 1-25

Doucet, A., Mathieu, S., and McKay, L.  (2020) Reconceptualizing Parental Leave Benefits in COVID-19 Canada: From Employment Policy to Care and Social Protection Policy. Canadian Public Policy,  46(3), S272-S286. 

Mathieu, S., Doucet, A., and McKay, L. (2020). Parental Leave and Inter-Provincial Differences: The Case of Four Canadian Provinces. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 45(2), 169-194.

Doucet, A., Lero, D.S., McKay, L. and Tremblay, D.-G. (2020). ‘Canada Country Note’, in Koslowski, A., Blum, S., Dobrotić, I., Kaufman, G. and  Moss, P. (eds.) International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2020.  

Doucet, A. and McKay, L. (2020). Fathering, parental leave, impacts, and gender equality: What/how are we measuring? International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy40(5/6), 441-463.

Doucet, A. (2020). Father involvement, care, and breadwinning: Genealogies of concepts and revisioned conceptual narratives. Genealogy, 4(1), 1-17.

Doucet, A. (2020). Foreword. In N. L. Willey & D. Friedman (Eds.), Feminist Fathering/Fathering Feminists: New Definitions and Directions. Toronto: Demeter Press.


Doucet, A., McKay, L. and S. Mathieu (2019). Reimagining parental leave: A conceptual ‘thought experiment’. In P. Moss, A.Z. Duvander, and A. Koslowski (Eds.), Parental leave and beyond: Recent developments, current issues, future directions (pp. 333-352).Bristol: Policy Press. (Postdoctoral fellows)

Doucet, A. (2018). Revisiting and remaking the Listening Guide: An ecological and ontological narrativity approach to analyzing fathering narratives. In A. Humble & E. Radina (Eds.), Going behind ‘themes emerged’: Real stories of how qualitative data analysis happens. London, UK: Taylor and Francis.

Doucet, A. (2018). … Casting our Lot with Some Ways of Life and Not Others: Epistemic reflexivity, diffraction, epistemic responsibilities. Canadian Review of Sociology (Committing Sociology thematic section on: “Value-Neutral and Value-Oriented Epistemologies of the Social: A Conversation Across Difference”). 55(2), 302-304.

Doucet, A. (2018) Decolonizing Family Photographs: Ecological Imaginaries and Non-Representational EthnographiesJournal of Contemporary Ethnography. JCE Doucet. 47, 729-757.

Doucet, A. (2018) Feminist epistemologies and ethics: Ecological thinking, situated knowledges, and epistemic responsibilities. In R. Iphofen and M. Tolich. Handbook of qualitative research ethics. London: Sage.

Doucet, A. (2018) Shorelines, seashells, and seedsFeminist Epistemologies, Ecological Thinking, and Relational Ontologies in F. Dépelteau (ed.) The Palgrave handbook of relational sociology. London: Macmillan. 

Doucet, A. and McKay, L. (2017) “Parental Leave, Class Inequalities, and ‘Caring With’: An Ethics of Care Approach to Canadian Parental Leave Policy”. In R.Langford, S. Prentice, and P. Albanese (Eds.). Caring for Children: Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press.

McKay, L., Mathieu, S., and Doucet, A. (2016). Parental-leave rich and parental-leave poor? In/Equality in Canadian Labour-Market based Leave Policies. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(4), 1-20.

Doucet, A. (2016). Is the Stay-At-Home Dad (SAHD) a Feminist Concept? A Genealogical, Relational and Feminist Critique. Sex Roles75, 4-14.

Doucet, A. (2016) “The choice was made for us”: Stay-At-Home Dads (SAHDs) and Relationalities of Work and Care in Canada and the United States. In I. Crespi and E. Ruspini (Eds) Balancing Work and Family in a Changing Society: The Fathers’ Perspective. London: Macmillan.

Doucet, A. (2016). “It’s not good for a man to be interested in other people’s children”: Fathers, public displays of care and ‘relevant others’ (reprinted and updated chapter, translated into German). In A. Shober and A. Langenohl (Eds.), Metamorphoses of Gender and Culture: Genealogies, Practices, Imaginations. Wilhem: Fink

Doucet, A. (2016). The ethics of care as practice, relational ontology, and social justice: The radical potential of fathers “home alone on leave”. In M. O’Brien and K. Wall (Eds.), Fathers on Leave Alone: Work-life Balance and Gender Equality in Comparative Perspective. Springer.


Doucet, A. (2015).Parental responsibilities: Dilemmas of measurement and gender equality. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(2), 224-242.

Doucet, A. (2015). Ontological narrativity and the performativity of the Stories We Tell Stories We TellVisual Studies30(1), 98-100.

Doucet, A. (2016) Foreword. In E. Podnieks (Ed.) Pops in Pop Culture: Fatherhood, Masculinity, and the New Man. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Doucet, A. (2015). Foreword. In F. Green and G. Pelletier (Eds.), Essential Breakthroughs: Men, Mothering, Fathering. Toronto: Demeter Press.

Doucet, A. and Lee, R. (2014). Fathering, Feminism(s), Gender, and Sexualities: Possibilities, Tensions, and New Pathways, Journal of Family Theory and Review, 6 (4): 355-373.

Doucet, A. (2013) A “Choreography of Becoming”: Fathering, Embodied Care, and New Materialisms, Canadian Review of Sociology, 50th Anniversary Issue50 (3), 284-305.

Doucet, A. (2013) “Paid and Unpaid Work: Linking Households, Workplaces, the State, and Communities” (revised) in Patrizia Albaneze (Ed.) New Canadian Families (Third edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press; pp. 166-184.

Doucet, A. (2013) “Can Parenting Be Equal?: Rethinking Equality and Gender Differences in Parenting,” in Linda C. McClain and Daniel Cere, What is Parenthood?: Contemporary Debates about the Family. New York: New York University Press; p. 257-275.

Doucet, A. (2013) “’… blurred lines and flecks of grey’: Breadwinning mothers, caregiving fathers and the dilemma of ‘equality’ in care. In Andrea O’Reilly (ed) What do Mothers Need?  Toronto: Demeter Press; pp. 275-294.

McKay, L. Marshall, K. and Doucet, A. (2013) “Fathers and Parental Leave in Canada: Policies, Practices and Potential” in Jessica Ball and Kerry Daly (eds). Engaging Fathers in Social Change: Lessons from Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press; pp. 207-223.

Doucet, A. and Hawkins, L (2013) “Feminist Mothers Researching Fathering: Advocates, Contributors, and Dissenters” in Jessica Ball and Kerry Daly (eds). Engaging Fathers in Social Change: Lessons from Canada, Vancouver: UBC Press; pp. 89-106.

Doucet, A. and Mauthner, N.S. (2012) “Tea or Tupperware? Mommy Blogging as Care, Work and Consumption” in Georgia Phillips and Susie Weller (Eds) Critical Approaches to Care: Understanding Caring Relations, Identities and Cultures. London: Routledge; pp. 92-104.

Doucet, A and Mauthner, N.S. (2012) “Emotions in/and Knowing” in Hunt, Alan, Walby, Kevin and Dale Spencer (Eds.) Emotions Matter. Toronto: UTP; 161-176.

Doucet, A. and Mauthner, N. (2012) “Knowing Responsibly: Ethics, Feminist Epistemologies and Methodologies” in M. Mauthner, M. Birch, J. Jessop and T. Miller (eds.), Ethics in Qualitative Research. Second Edition. London: Sage, 123-145.

Doucet, A. (2012) “Fathering and Gender Relations in” Catherine Tamis-LeMonda and Natasha Cabrera (Eds.). (2nd edition). Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge; pp. 297-319.

Doucet, A. (2012) How many qualitative interviews is enough? National (UK) Council for Research Methods (NCRM) Online Expert paper (a compilation of “expert voices”, including Howard Becker, Norman Denzin, Julia Brannen and others).

Siltanen, J. and Doucet, A. (2011) “Gender Relations” in Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albaneze (eds). Principles of Sociology, Third Edition. Peterborough: Oxford University Press.

Doucet, A. (2011) “’It’s not good for a man to be interested in other people’s children’: Fathers and public displays of care” in Esther Dermott and Julie Seymour (Eds.). Displaying Family: New Theoretical Directions in Family and Intimate Life. London: Palgrave MacMillan.


McKay, L. and Doucet, A. (2010) ‘Without Taking Away Her Leave’: A Canadian Case Study of Couples’ Decisions on Fathers’ Use of Paid Leave”, Fathering (special issue edited by Margaret O’Brien and Linda Haas on Men, Work and Parenting). 8. 3: 300-320.

Doucet, A. (2010) “What impedes fathers’ Participation in Care Work: Theorizing the Community as an Institutional Arena. In Catherine Krull and Justyna Sempruch (Eds). Demystifying the Family/Work Contradiction: Challenges and Possibilities. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Doucet, A. (2010) “Taking Off the Maternal Lens: Engaging with Sara Ruddick on Men and Mothering” in Andrea O’Reilly (Ed.) Mothering: Agency Experience and Institution. Irvington, NY: Columbia University Press.

Doucet, A. (2010) “Paid and Unpaid Work: Linking Households, Workplaces, the State, and Communities” in David Cheal (Ed.) New Canadian Families (second edition) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Doucet, A. (2010) “Fathers and Fathering” in A. O’Reilly and J. Golson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Motherhood. Sage Publications.

Doucet, A. (2010) “Fathers and Emotional Responsibility” in Andrew J. Cherlin (Ed). Public and Private Families: A Reader. Berkshire, UK: McGraw Hill.

Doucet, A. (2009) Dad and Baby in the First Year: Gendered EmbodimentThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences. 624(1), 78-98.

Doucet, A. (2009) Gender Equality and Gender Differences: Parenting, Habitus and EmbodimentCanadian Review of Sociology, 48 (2), 99-117.

Doucet, A. McKay, L. and Tremblay, D-G. (2009) “Parental Leave Policy in Canada” in Peter Moss and Sheila Kammerman (Eds.) The Politics of Parental Leave Policies: Children, Parenting, Gender and the Labour Market. Bristol, UK: Policy Press; pp. 31-48.

Doucet, A., McKay, L, and Tremblay, D.G. (2009) Canada and Quebec: Two policies, one country. In P. Moses & S. Kamerman (Eds.), The Politics of Parental Leave Policies: Children, Parenting, Gender and the Labour Market (pp. 33-50). Bristol, UK: Policy Press

Mauthner, N.S. and Doucet, A. (2008) “Knowledge once Divided Can Be Hard to Put Together Again“: An epistemological critique of collaborative and team-based research practices. Sociology, 42(5): 955-969.

Doucet, A.  (2008) “From Her Side of the Gossamer Wall(s)”: Reflexive and Relational Knowing, Qualitative Sociology, 31: 73-87.

Doucet, A. and Mauthner, N.S.  (2008) What Can Be Known and How? Narrated Subjects and the Listening GuideQualitative Research, 8 (3): 399-409.

Doucet, A. and Merla L. (2007) Stay-at Home-Fathering: A Strategy for Balancing Work and Home in Canadian and Belgian FamiliesCommunity, Work and Family. 10(4): 453-471.

Doucet, A. (2007) “Fathering/Fatherhood” in M. Flood, J. Kegan Gardiner, B. Pease and K. Pringle (Eds.) Routledge International Encyclopedia of Men & Masculinities. London: Routledge; pp. 192-197.

Doucet, A. (2007) “Families and Work” in D. Cheal (Ed.) New Canadian Families. Toronto: Oxford University Press; 136-153.

Doucet A. and Mauthner, N. S. (2007) “Feminist approaches to Qualitative Interviews” in P. Alasuutari, J. Brannen and L. Bickman (Eds.) Handbook of Social Research Methods.  London: Sage; pp. 327-342.

Mauthner, N. S. and Doucet, A. (2007) “Reflexive accounts and accounts of reflexivity in qualitative data analysis” in A. E. Bryman (ed.) Qualitative Research 2. Benchmark in Social Research Methods. London: Sage.

Doucet, A. and Mauthner N. (2006) “Feminist Methodologies and Epistemology.” In C. D. Bryant and D. L. Peck (Eds.) Handbook of 21st Century Sociology (26-32). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Doucet, A. (2006) ‘Estrogen-filled worlds’: Fathers as primary caregivers and embodiment. The Sociological Review, 54(4): 695-715.

Doucet, A. (2005) ‘It’s almost like I have a job but I don’t get paid’: Fathers at home reconfiguring work, care and masculinityFathering, 2(3): 277-304.

Doucet, A. (2004) Fathers and the responsibility for children: A puzzle and a tension. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 28(2); pp. 103-114.

Mauthner, N. and Doucet, A. (2003) “Reflexive Accounts and Accounts of Reflexivity in Qualitative Data Analysis”, Sociology 37(3); pp. 413-431.

Doucet, A. (2001) “You see the need perhaps more clearly than I have”: Exploring gendered processes of domestic responsibility, Journal of Family Issues, 22 (3), pp. 328-357, 2001.

Doucet, A. (2001) “Can Sons Grow Into Mothers? Maternal Thinking and Fathers’ Reflections”, in Andrea O’Reilly (ed.), Mothers and Sons: Feminist Perspectives. London : Routledge.

Doucet, A. (2000) ‘There’s a huge gulf between me as a male carer and women’: Gender, domestic responsibility, and the community as an institutional arena, Community Work and Family, 3 (2), 163-184. (nominated for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work Family Research; top 20 list).

Doucet, A. and Dunne, G. A. (2000) “Heterosexual and Lesbian Mothers Challenging ‘Feminine’ and ‘Male’ Conceptions of Mothering” in Andrea O’Reilly and Sharon Abbey (eds.), Mothers and Daughters: Connection, Empowerment and Transformation. Rowman and Littlefield; pp. 103-120.


Doucet, A. (1998) Interpreting Mother-Work: Linking Ontology, Theory, Methodology and Personal Biography. Canadian Woman Studies (18), pp. 52-58.

Mauthner , N.S. and Doucet, A. (1998) “Reflections on a Voice-Centred Relational Method of Data Analysis: Analysing Maternal and Domestic Voices” in Jane Ribbens and Rosalind Edwards (eds.), Feminist Dilemmas in Qualitative Research: Private Lives and Public Texts. London : Sage; pp. 119-144 (equally co-authored).

Doucet, A. (1996) “Encouraging Voices: Towards More Creative Methods for Collecting Data on Gender and Household Labour”, in Lydia Morris and Stina Lyon (eds.) Gender Relations in the Public and the Private. London: Macmillan; pp. 156-173.

Doucet, A. (1995) Gender equality and gender differences in household work and parentingWomen’s Studies International Forum, 18(3): 271-284.