Bread & Roses Media

Advance Publicity for The Bread and Roses Project

The New York Times magazine (January 2010)

The National Post (October 2010)

The National Post (October 2010)

New York Post (November 2010)

NY Dads and Stay at Home Dads (November 2010)

SSHRC Dialogue on Canadian Families (November 2010)

Jean Chatzky, Financial Editor of the Today Show (February 2010)

The Globe and Mail (April 2010)

The Glass Hammer (March 2010)


New Research and Writing on Fathering and/or Parental Leave

Look for two special issues of the journal Fathering on Men, Work and Parenting (co-edited by Linda Haas and Margaret O’Brien) in November 2010 and May 2011.

Other recent publications on comparative perspectives on fatherhood, families and comparative social policies:

Fathering Across Diversity and adversity: international perspectives and policy interventions



The Politics of Parental Leave Policies




The Globe and Mail recently published an excellent series on Work-Life Balance for Mothers and Fathers and the importance of fathers take up of parental leave.